The National Network Assembly



We represent the intersectional interests of grassroots organizers. This network effort exists to provide community driven capacity-building support to organizers. We do this via resource curation and generation, weekly webinars and live events to grow the #leadwithlove and #noegonoturf ethos. 

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 Our Values

Support Transformational Community, Relationship, Capacity, and Power Building

Build Sustainable, Equitable, and Inclusive Movement Networks

Center the Grassroots, the Marginalized and the Local 

Engage in Honest and Authentic Dialogue

Lead with Love 

 2019 NNA

In August of 2019, organizers from across the country convened for the first National Network Assembly, a unique four-day gathering for grassroots organizers working on civic engagement and voter mobilization.

Together, we set the stage to build collaborative capacity and relationships. The thriving relationships fostered at NNA2019 continue to increase our ability to win elections up and down the ballot as well as build local, regional, and national power.

Unplugged from digital for all four days, participants networked, strategized, planned actions and identified creative collaborative opportunities. With deepened relationships and broadened skills, progressive leaders returned home equipped and energized to mobilize the collective power of their communities.

The organizers of this groundbreaking event continue to provide community-driven capacity building support to organizers via weekly webinars (the Sunday Network Assembly) and are planning the next series of live events to continue to grow the #leadwithlove ethos. 

"I was in a place that told me if I trusted them, they would honor their word...and they did."

The inaugural NNA gathering in Iowa was a remarkable experience. I came as a guest of Future Coalition/March ON being that I was a consulting organizer so my expectations were unclear, just happy for fellowship and training. Once arriving and meeting the NNA team I realized I was apart of a budding community of seasoned organizers and newly formed activists. I was in a place that was going to force us to confront ourselves in uncomfortable ways because even social justice warriors need work too. I was in a place that told me if I trusted them, they would honor their word…and they did.

It was imperfectly perfect 3 days that was an essential space for organizers made by organizers, to discuss our successes, failures, and frustrations that we have had in the field and our respective organizations. It was a safe space that encouraged fostering community instead of the performing for donors or eager paid participants like at other national conferences. We learned about each others respective work and were able to build intersection in our work across individual focuses and issues. How often have you been able to learn about Youth Climate, Electoral Justice, Indigenous Organizing, and Police Reform from people currently in the field all at the same time through conversation next to a lake while a baby deer runs by? I have been a professional organizer for over a decade that has attended 100+ conferences and my answer is NEVER. This vision was bold and courageous and the need is imminent as this country is demanding more from front line organizers and activist. If we are expected to show up for the well-being of the collective, who and how are you showing up for us?

Shakya Cherry-Donaldson – March On & The Future Coalition

"Deeply Transformative"

This was a deeply transformative experience – sharing an idyllic space with over 100 mindblowingly inspiring people is something that changed me in beautiful and unexpected ways.

Linda Herman – Nor Cal Blue

"I was able to be my authentic self and be vulnerable"

I truly enjoyed my time at this year’s NNA conference. My most enjoyable moments were in the spaces & times we were provided to be creative and find solutions. In these spaces I was able to be my authentic self and be vulnerable. There were also memorable moments where we were all able to let down our guard and hold safe space for each other taking the time to step out of the battle to heal, comfort and hold each other.

Shanise Williams – Black Voters Matter

"Change for the Better is Coming Soon..."

The incredible people I met at the NNA cemented my confidence that change for the better is coming, and soon! These are the people of every age, size and color who will be unstoppable in their coordinated efforts to beat back this broken system and replace it with the truly compassionate and inclusive world we all want and need. And seeing them in a forum where they can really dig in and do the work together was deeply inspiring!

Pat Mundy – Rock the Congress

The Sunday Network Assembly

The SNA is a weekly webinar on topics relevant to grassroots organizers. 
See the calendar here:


Our collaborative partners have begun organizing a 2020 event to take place this summer in Wisconsin. Sign up to get all the details as they come together.

Send us a message to join our collaborative planning and peer support network.

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